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Health Promotion


We invest in employees' health

Health promotion in the workplace is a relatively new approach to improve health. It combines the 
improvement of work organization and working environment, encouragement of active participation of 
all stakeholders and support for staff development.

Why promote health at a hospital?

In a workplace like a hospital where medical and nursing staff spends much of their life, it is legitimate 
to be disease prevention. In a hospital, most employees have a true knowledge but have always incentives 
to adopt healthy behavior inside and outside the hospital. Health promotion in a hospital does not only benefit 
employees but also acts as a positive example for their patients.

What are the activities?

The activities for health promotion for staff of Asclepieo Voulas include:

  •  promoting healthy eating

  •  promoting physical activity

  •  management of workplace stress

  •  mental health and wellbeing

  •  “Ex-smokers are Unstoppable” iCoach online coaching to help you stop smoking

To what extent health promotion at work benefits the operation of the hospital?

The hospital benefits from health promotion because both administrators, and medical and nursing staff are 

healthier and more active in an improved interface. This has resulted in reducing disease-related work, better 

quality services, more innovation and productivity growth. Health promotion at work is also agent class 

that helps to improve the public image of the hospital.

How can health promotion work to support the reform processes in public administration?

The disagreements on public sector reforms, focusing on the need for a more friendly face of government 

and adjustment services for cost reduction and improved public services.  Especially in public administration 

which primarily provides health services health promotion at work can be helpful in motivating staff to provide 

better services and thus significantly reducing costs.


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