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Welcome Message - A Little History


Anaesthesiology is a relatively new medical specialty. From the beginning of its existence, in the mid 18th century, 
it was closely connected to pain relief during several surgical procedures. The rapid evolution of anaesthesia science, 
directly influenced the evolution of many other specialties, mainly the surgical ones. 
As expected, since the years of the practical nurses called narcotizers or chloroformists, Anaesthesiology has changed 
remarkably. Nowadays, the Anaesthesiologist is not the physician that meets the patient a few minutes before 
his entrance in the operating room, puts him to sleep, keeps him alive during surgery and never sees him again after
emergence from anaesthesia. 


The American Society of Anaesthesiologists defines the Anaesthesiologist as the physician dealing with but not limited to: 

• The management of procedures rendering a patient pain and stress - free during surgical, obstetrical, diagnostic and 
   therapeutic procedures. 
• The evaluation and management of essential physiologic functions under the stress of anaesthetic and surgical manipulations. 
• The management of patients unconscious from whatever cause. 
• The evaluation and management of acute or chronic pain. 
• The management of problems in cardiorespiratory resuscitation. 
• The application of several methods used in respiratory therapy. 
• The clinical management of various fluid, electrolyte and metabolic disturbances.

Compared to the previous decades, Anaesthesiology has demonstrated great progress, mainly in the fields of patient safety, 
monitoring and support of vital functions, minimizing anaesthetic agents’ side effects and prevention as well as management of
surgical complications. It is worth mentioning that in the last decade, anaesthetic related mortality was decreased from 1 in 
10,000 to 1 in 250,000. But things didn’t happen easily. Progress can never be random or simple. Safe practice of Anaesthesia
demands expertise, vigilance and continuous scientific update. 

Anaesthesia department of Asklepieion hospital has a history starting back in 1985, when it was incorporated to the national health
system. Nowadays our department consists of physicians and specialized nurses well trained in all modern anaesthetic techniques.
Our clinical work is notable, counting more than 7000 operations taking part in 10 fully equipped operating rooms (year 2011 data), 
covering a wide spectrum of surgical specialties.

We welcome you in our department. Feel free to visit us online or in person!

Argyro Mela – Karamanakou

IT Asklepieio Voulas
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