In addition, at our clinic, operations are carried out for specific diseases that embrace the philosophy of minimally invasive surgery. Specifically:
Treatment of hemorrhoids with the HAL-RAR method:
In the HAL method, the blood flow to the hemorrhoids is blocked using a Doppler that precisely detects the point through which the hemorrhoidal vessels pass and the depth at which they are located. This method gives the possibility to be combined with the RAR technique at the same time if there is significant prolapse of the hemorrhoidal nodules during which mucosal folding is carried out resulting in the reduction of the hemorrhoids. This technique is accompanied by minimal postoperative pain, reduced need to take analgesics, and immediate return of the patients to their daily routines in contrast to classic hemorrhoidectomy techniques.
Treatment of anal and perianal diseases with the use of LASER:
The use of Laser in the field of general surgery is an innovative and minimally invasive method used by our clinic to treat:
• Coccyx cyst (SiLaC- Sinus Laser-assisted Closure method)
• Anal fissure
• Warts
• Peripheral Fistulas (FiLaC method - Fistula-tract Laser Closure)
Before the use of the Laser to treat the above diseases, the applied surgical techniques had a very significant negative impact on the postoperative quality of life of the patient as they were accompanied by regular medical examinations for a long period of time, longterm care of the surgical wounds, longer surgical time, more days of hospitalization and above all higher levels of post-operative pain events which are now negated to a large extent with the application of the Laser.